Wednesday, September 5, 2012


My last day being a kid. Tomorrow I am officially considered an adult! Although I dont feel my age it is truly a blessing to be able to say Ive lived on this earth for 17 years because not many of my peers can say that R.I.P. to those no longer with us. Anywho I had to fight my sister in order to take these shots of my outfit before the sun went down..
Here I am wearing a basic crop top from forever21, a brown and gold belt from Target; my shorts were made by yours truly & my shoes are also from forever21. Lastly my bag was gifted to me from a lovely family friend Tiff! (Juicy Couture Rabbit fur & Leather satchel)

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Neutral Eyes W. A Bold Lip!

 This is one of out three of the neutral eyes w. a bold lip videos that i will be doing on my channel. I hope you all enjoy this video :)
This was my first time doing a voiceover so please let me know what you think.. Practice makes perfect right?

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Hey everyone! Its been a while since my last outfit post on this blog so I figured I better shoot my outfit today while I was out and about. Today I went to the mall and took my big sister out to dinner for her 25th birthday :)
Shirt-F21 Shorts-F21 Bag-Betsy Johnson Shoes-TOMS

To see what I am up to on the regular follow me on twitter, instagram and my first blog..
TWITTER: @dijahthakidd
INSTAGRAM: @dijahthakidd

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Teal & Spikes

 Long overdue outfit post from last Friday, shoutout out to my sister Michanne for being my photographer for a few minutes. These pictures are kind of awkward because people were staring. Any who, I'm wearing a forever 21 spike necklace, black button up I thrifted, a green vest from forever21. My favorite jeans from ZARA and my shoes are from LA. I had to have them they're not the best shoes to walk all around the city in but hey they're cute!!

My sunnies are H&M & my rings are F21.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Day 4 & 5 IN LA!

Day 4 We woke up got ready and went to the Slauson Swap Meet in Los Angeles then went to Pink's hot dogs and let me tell you I wasnt happy one bit with my food so I got my money back and got IN N OUT! After IN N OUT we went to fairfax and I windown shopped at the Odd Future store and a few other ones. Then went to Rodeo DR and walked around after that we headed to The Grove and I bought a couple things at forever 21 but that F21 didnt have a lot of things so we went to the mall closer to our hotel and I got a few things at the F21 there. By that time it was around 8 or 9 so we just got some Hawiian BBQ and went back to the hotel and watched a movie. 
Day 5 The last day in LA :( I woke up sad because I didnt want to check out of our hotel. But that morning we went back to the swap meet because I just had to have these shoes that I had saw there and all day the day before I kept thinking about them and I knew I had to have them to add them to my spring wardrobe. So after I got my shows we went to IN N OUT and ate then headed to Venice Beach for a bit, where the photos down below were taken. It was a nice day a little chilly but it was perfect weather :) Then we went to Santa Monica really quick and Jen and I swung on the swings. By this time it was already about 4 o'clock and we didn't know what else to do so we just went to get gas and jen and I got slurpee's and were on our way back up north :( This was one of the best spring breaks I've ever had and I cant wait til we go back to LA next time. I just wish we would've gotten a chance to visit our family that lives down there & also that my sister and niece could've joined us on this trip. 


Picnic at the beach on Easter Sunday

So on sunday morning we went to the store got ourselves chips and arizonas and then sandwiches from TOGO'S and sat on the beach :) After Hermosa Beach which is where we had our picnic we went to Venice Beach and walked around it was really packed. After the beach we went to TGI Fridays and made some new friends :) They couldnt get enough of us lol we stayed there for so long just talking to the employee's and the manager. Then went to our hotel and relaxed a bit. Enjoy the pictures, follow me on instagram, twitter and Subscribe to my Youtube! :)
INSTAGRAM: dijahthakidd
TWITTER: @dijahthakidd
YOUTUBE: dijahcecilia



I was sooo excited to spend almost a week in LA with my oldest sister & her bestfriend! Day 1 we didnt do much but go check out my Youtube Channel for a little bit of footage. We drove down to LA then checked into our hotel around 5, went to the mall to get my backpack that I wanted soo badly then headed to dinner at a mexican resturant in Downtown LA & the food was BUNK! Service was coo but the food was ehhh. After dinner we went to Hollywood and walked around.

Now Day 2! Saturday, April 7, 2012 . I told my sisters that I wanted to go to the fashion district in Downtown LA and to the wholesale saturday sale that started at 6am. Soooo, we woke up around 7 or 8am got dressed (showered the night before to be ready) and headed downtown to the wholesale saturday sale to find out that there wasnt a sale that saturday but in a couple more weeks :'( *waaah* so we just ended up going to Santee Alley. I had heard a lot about it from my Youtube friends, and lets just say its not what I expected at all and I was sorta let down. I ended up purchasing 3 things (Look out for my LA Haul) and my sister bought a pair of shoes. The clothes and shoes were cute but we felt they were overpriced, we didnt even walk through all of the alley because the parking meter had ran out and we were'nt planning on buying anything else so we left. Then we headed to Hollywood, CA to get brunch at Roscoes Chicken N Waffles and it was Yummy as always :) So after that we went to Hermosa Beach and looked for parking for like 3 hours lol no not that long maybe 45 mins. But after finally finding a parking space we walked down to the beach and stuck our toes in the sand and took some pictures! It was really hot on saturday maybe 80 degrees. After the beach we went to Culver City to the Westfield Mall hoping to see Nicki Minaj who was going to be there for a CD signing. Long story short we didn't end up staying to see her so we went to get frozen yogurt at Pink Berry. Follow me on instagram and you will see all the photos (dijahthakidd) After we got pink berry we went to the hotel and relaxed for a few hours and then went to the mall really quick. It was closed but the security guard was nice enough to let us inside really quickly. Next we went to Fat Burger in Inglewood and let me tell you it was no In N Out. I was lightweight upset that I wasted money on my food but whatevs #YOLO . That concludes Day 2 in LA :) Enjoy the pictures, follow me on instagram, twitter and Subscribe to my Youtube! :)
INSTAGRAM: dijahthakidd
TWITTER: @dijahthakidd
YOUTUBE: dijahcecilia

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

15th Annual Ethnics Studies Conference !

I thought this day would never come, I was sooo hyped for months for the middle school ethnics studies conference. Today was such a good day. Im soo proud of myself not only is this my first year ever doing anything like this and going to a conference, but I get to say Im apart of All City Council and actually put on something this important to the Bay area and to myself and also to  young leaders in the community I know live in. So lets recap on my day shall we? Woke up at 6:15 and got ready so I could be picked up by my mentor and head off to the venue. On the way to Berkeley- which was were the conference was being held- Tupac played on the radio, and I don't know about you guys but for me Tupac's music makes me feel a certain way. Almost powerful, or more powerful than I already am. Anywho, while listening to the music I was feeeling really good and thought todays going to be a good one. I just had a feeling :) (I get those a lot) So anyway we get there and the other ACC members set up already so all I had to do was help greet the students as they came in. Surprisingly I wasn't nervous at all :)when I was giving them announcements and welcoming them :) So after greeting 250+ middle school students Me and my two other collages walked around and just checked out the conference. I had a really good day overall and afterwards my mentor treated me and two others to ice cream in Berkeley :) Now im off to get ready for my spring break trip to LA :DDDD

Monday, March 19, 2012

San Francisco

This footage was shot a few weeks ago when I went to Sf with my sisters & niece. I didnt have the time to edit and upload it until now. ENJOY:)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

I been gone for a min but Im back with the Jump Off !

What a day ! Started off my morning waking up at 7 am like usual but I thought to myself since today's my last day of class do I really have to go to class on time? No was the answer I came up with getting two more hours of sleep I finally started my day off by getting ready and rushing to school to make it for my econ test.After school I had a rehearsal for Questions w/ Major Jean Quan on channel 27 in Oakland on KDOL. I based today's outfit around my new headband that I have worn once before, I was really inspired by DulceCandy's color blocking Video and Blog post so this is the outfit I came up with. Enjoy :)

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Snappin some photos after I got ready todaay .


So today I went to lunch & shopped a little with my family . Got some sushi in Alameda, wasn't too shabby but it wasn't sushi avenue in San Leandro. Then we went to walgreens and safeway. So this is what I wore today ! I'm soooo tired now but it was fun !

 Photos taken by my lovely sister @MissChanne :) <Follow her on twitter !

Monday, January 23, 2012

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Ive just been thinking

Its not about what others tell you to wear . Fashion is about expressing yourself through your clothes . The clothes you wear show your personality . So when people @ school comment on what I am wearing I simply just let it go in one ear and out of the other . Because for one I know that its petty jealously & they dont know anything whatsoever about fashion . Now Im not saying I am a pro or anything but I do know it doesnt matter what you wear or how you wear it . Idk, Ive just been thinking .

Monday, January 16, 2012

So this is martin luther king jr day huh ??

You wont get the titlle unless you know my uncle melvin, shoutout to him ! Anyway, since this is a holiday I didnt have school today so I started my day off early. Woke up at 8, took the dog out to use the bathroom, played with my 1 year old niece... joy! then got ready. It was a pretty morning I walked about 10 blocks to catch the bus for a meeting I had this morning. So I got to my meeting & there was food :) ahhh, if you know me I love FREE FOOD haha so anywho I was too juiced when I seen there was bacon & it was cooked just the way my aunt makes it, just the way I like it. Shoutout to my Aunt Diane :) Ok Dijah back to your day, so we started our meeting or what ever and lets just say Im way excited for 2012. So after my meeting I met up with my friend from school and we hung out and guess what more free food , she bought me jack in the box lol. After that I walked again but uphill omg my legs are so sore. Im just happy to be home, now im editing a "get ready w/ me" video and checking my social networks.

---its the kidd*

Thursday, January 5, 2012


So for some reason all the non haters at school that I talk to kept telling me that I looked cute today , and since the haters eyes were glued to me I came up with the title because of them. *round of applause to my haters* lol. Anyway on a more serious note even though this outfit is laid back I really like it. 
Black Sweater , White Vneck , Black skinnies , Ring , Necklace & White Rose Earrings : FOREVER21 .
Black Glitter Toms: Nordstrom
Ray Ban Glasses , yes they're prescripted
(I'm mad my necklace broke -____-)