Tuesday, April 3, 2012

15th Annual Ethnics Studies Conference !

I thought this day would never come, I was sooo hyped for months for the middle school ethnics studies conference. Today was such a good day. Im soo proud of myself not only is this my first year ever doing anything like this and going to a conference, but I get to say Im apart of All City Council and actually put on something this important to the Bay area and to myself and also to  young leaders in the community I know live in. So lets recap on my day shall we? Woke up at 6:15 and got ready so I could be picked up by my mentor and head off to the venue. On the way to Berkeley- which was were the conference was being held- Tupac played on the radio, and I don't know about you guys but for me Tupac's music makes me feel a certain way. Almost powerful, or more powerful than I already am. Anywho, while listening to the music I was feeeling really good and thought todays going to be a good one. I just had a feeling :) (I get those a lot) So anyway we get there and the other ACC members set up already so all I had to do was help greet the students as they came in. Surprisingly I wasn't nervous at all :)when I was giving them announcements and welcoming them :) So after greeting 250+ middle school students Me and my two other collages walked around and just checked out the conference. I had a really good day overall and afterwards my mentor treated me and two others to ice cream in Berkeley :) Now im off to get ready for my spring break trip to LA :DDDD


  1. So glad you had a such an awesome experience, worth waiting for sounds like..I am very proud of you Dijah, I know you don't hear that a lot but I am...keep doing you and what makes you happy. one love, g'ma!

  2. Thanks gma love you too, and i really do like it and hope to do it next year.
