Monday, January 16, 2012

So this is martin luther king jr day huh ??

You wont get the titlle unless you know my uncle melvin, shoutout to him ! Anyway, since this is a holiday I didnt have school today so I started my day off early. Woke up at 8, took the dog out to use the bathroom, played with my 1 year old niece... joy! then got ready. It was a pretty morning I walked about 10 blocks to catch the bus for a meeting I had this morning. So I got to my meeting & there was food :) ahhh, if you know me I love FREE FOOD haha so anywho I was too juiced when I seen there was bacon & it was cooked just the way my aunt makes it, just the way I like it. Shoutout to my Aunt Diane :) Ok Dijah back to your day, so we started our meeting or what ever and lets just say Im way excited for 2012. So after my meeting I met up with my friend from school and we hung out and guess what more free food , she bought me jack in the box lol. After that I walked again but uphill omg my legs are so sore. Im just happy to be home, now im editing a "get ready w/ me" video and checking my social networks.

---its the kidd*